It was misty and not quite raining but dull and warm so the tools of the trade accompanied me; wheelbarrow, clippers, Japanese magical gardening tool, rake and my latest accessory – an old pillow! Perfect for the knees.
As I was zenning out and the cat was yowling and cruising and being a bit of a nuisance – always being right where I wanted to weed. Then, I reached under the rosemary hedge to extricate the stubborn leaves of Autumnal origin. I disturbed a cute little hedgehog, fast asleep under layers of warm leaves. I left it alone and proceeded to barrow out more and more leaves and the cat started staring at the ground – I had not noticed the number of creatures I had disturbed; bees, earwigs, centipedes, ikky things with lots of pincers and legs and finally a ring necked pigeon!
By then, I was scratched, itching, bleeding from flaxy plants but thanking some Saint that we do not have snakes or too many ‘bitey’ things or spiders or lizards that have saliva that makes you skin atrophy or any number of dodgy deterrents from the gentle pursuit of gardening. This is when my former self kicks in and when I thought of gardening as a chore, a thing to fit in in the weekend between other chores. Now I hear the trill of tui birds, sweet summer singing of the sky lark, urgent call of quail birds, squabbling of the Canada geese, Honky the goose, alarm of the blackbirds and secret whispering tweets of the yellow and wax eye birds. Holly, you wanted a homely one but I wish you could have helped me with the raking. Never mind.