On the good evenings we have lazy evening meals outside and on one recent, glorious evening I was invited to fly up in the neighbour’s Chipmunk plane for a round of loop de loops, spins and rolls over our house and the harbour. Having never experienced G Forces, or pressure to the chest as you go up high, very quickly; I was too busy watching the earth appear above my head and marvelling at the toy like landscape below. I was on the biggest high for hours afterwards.
So when we can, we neighbours, share the good times. We are lucky to have a pine forest that loves a good get together. Bevan (81 in the shade) donated the smoking billy BBQ, Rog affixed the spark guard and the rest of us brought over salads and sweets to ‘pot luck’.This is where our eldest daughter wants to be married in less than a year’s time. Smokey Billy will not be invited.
Good times!!! A delightful spot.