Saturday, June 12, 2010


Once upon a time, we employed a schist column maker; a man who loved rocks. He suggested we add a feature pond and rockery to enhance a rather dull, at that time, front door entrance. He took a pencil and sketched an extravagant rockery and pond (complete with a cartoon dog, in the pond) design. The project took much longer to build than anticipated and the result was a creation depicting a miniature bush scene with feathery ferns growing out of the cracks of the rocks and little pebbles to help the recycled water course its way from little pond to big pond and back. We did not put fish in it, as the dogs would have lapped them up or the kingfisher birds. So once upon a summer night, a frog did come a hopping and claimed it as his own. The croaking was soothing and summery.

As in all tales, the ferns began to outgrow their domain and cast deep roots into the rockery causing cracks and displacements of the artfully created, pretend bush scene. Until, yesterday and I ripped them all out. It looks very bare.

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