Tonight the wind is howling, the cat curled up in a blanket on the couch, the fire is white hot and we have had a lovely dinner cooked by our daughter, Holly. (She has excused herself and is now down loading pictures of her amazing tour of Europe).
She cooked beer battered prawns as an entree. The secret is to use a flavoursome beer, preferably a dark one.
Beer Battered Prawns
Any amount of prawns you want to cook – defrost well and thoroughly dry, with a paper towel.
1 cup self raising flour
½ cup cornflour
1 ½ cups full strength malt beer
Salt and peper to taste
Sift all flours into a bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flours. Slowly mix in the beer, stirring only as much as is necessary. Season. Rest before use, at least an hour.
Dredge the prawns in flour before adding them to the batter. Deep fry in hot oil (that is at least hot enough to drop a cube of bread in it first and it browns it within about 15 seconds), making the batter crisp and brown and drain on paper towels before serving. Sprinkle with seasonings of choice, before serving. A tiny pinch of ground cinnamon works well.